l Charles Hoskinson Says “Cardano Is Waking Up” As Sundae V3 Pulls Big Numbers

Charles Hoskinson Says “Cardano Is Waking Up” As Sundae V3 Pulls Big Numbers

Charles Hoskinson Says "Cardano Is Waking" Up As Sundae V3 Pulls Big Numbers

With Sundae v3 suddenly registering high figures, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson decided to call the attention of the broad crypto community noting that the protocol “is waking up.”

The Sundae V3 Blowout

Sundae v3, a leading Decentralized Exchange (DEX) built on Cardano reportedly processed up to 9264 orders within 24 hours. 

According to Pi Lanningham, the CTO of Sundae Labs, about 900 of the processed orders were placed and executed in the same block. Similarly, half of the total orders were executed within 30 seconds, 70% were executed in under a minute, and 90% in under 221 seconds. 

This improved performance on Sundae v3 marks a significant milestone for Cardano as the blockchain for the DApp. In the last couple of months, the Cardano ecosystem has registered a lot of events and upgrades that point to the revival and repositioning of the crypto ecosystem. 

Two weeks ago, Hoskinson hinted at the much-awaited Chang Hard Fork upgrade, stating that it is expected to go live this June.

He also shared that Cardano Node will soon reach version 9.0, a milestone that signifies Cardano is ready for the Chang Hard Fork. This remark further suggests that the update is expected to come in June. The month is just only one week to the end and Cardano community members remain expectant.

The Cardano Chang Hard Fork Expectation

As it prepares for the Chang Hard Fork upgrade, Cardano is in the middle of a shift towards decentralized governance to improve community input. Cardano’s founder explained the plans for blockchain governance to deploy Decentralized Representatives (dReps). These dReps will significantly shift the control of the treasury even without a complete constitution. 

Similarly, Cardano recently introduced a multi-staking or multi-delegation feature to its Light Wallet Lace. This means that ADA, the native token of the blockchain, can be delegated to multiple stake pools while circumventing the need for fund partitioning across multiple accounts. 

Ultimately, this feature is focused on catering to users who are essentially security-conscious about their investments.

The frequency of these upgrades including the increase in Sundae v3 orders may really be an indication that Cardano is waking up Hoskinson noted. Meanwhile, ADA has recovered by 0.04% within the last 24 hours and currently trades at $0.3861.

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